Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Seperation of Sport and State

During President Obama's first address to the U.S. citizens since officially taking office, he took a break to talk about the New York Yankees third baseman. If you haven't heard (must have been living under a rock) Alex Rodriguez was caught taking steroids from the years 2001 to 2003 while with the Texas Rangers. The fact that is happened is neither shocking nor interesting to me in the slightest. The fact, however that the President of the United States mentioned how "ashamed" he was about the A-Rod incident during his stimulus package speech is mind numbing.

The United States congress has much much larger fish to fry then dealing with Major League Baseball and its now ultra famous steroid scandal. Congress should forget about its witch hunts for obvious PED (Performance Enhancing Drugs) users such as Roger Clemens and Barry Bonds and concentrate as much effort and energy into issues such as the economy, or social programs.

So Alex Rodriguez was supposed to be the super star that "didn't do roids", well he did and it is no big deal. Let Major League Baseball and their ever present inept commissioner Bud Selig deal with the mess that it helped create, and please Mr. President, stay out of baseball, at least for the next year or so, you are needed elsewhere right now.
Watch what Barack had to say about A-Rod here:

1 comment:

  1. You can tell that you not only have a vast amount of knowledge regarding sports, but politics as well! I completely agree with you that there are more important topics to discuss in the mass media and the White House- such as the recession. Sure, everyone can have an opinion, but when people's lives are dependent on the decisions you are making, it is probably best to remove yourself from mindless matters.

    Keep up with the blog posts. I think you have a great blog with lot's of potential on your hands!
